Feb 07 2025 – Declinations The Hidden Path Behind Solstices & Lunistices

The solar declination describes the Sun’s path through the seasons. Dividing the chart by the solstice-line gives us an entire new set of tools, such as crooked and straight rising signs, the antiscia or the distinction between northern and southern signs where one obeys and the other commands.

The Moon’s declination cycle has an equivalent to the solar equinox and solstice: the minor and the major lunistice which depend on the position of the lunar nodes. This cycle is not a modern invention but was already built into Stonehenge. Prepare for a ride through astrology, time and techniques!

Join us in this interactive round table session. We are looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming meeting.

Tania Daniels holds a degree in business administration and became interested in Astrology in 1998 after reading an astrological analysis of Leonardo da Vinci’s last Supper.

She finished training in psychological astrology in 2002 at the German Astrology Association (DAV). In 2009 she was introduced to traditional astrology by Deborah Houlding. She holds the STA Horary Diploma (master course) and gained her certificate in Hellenistic Astrology in early 2017 from Chris Brennan.

She is a tutor of the QHP and columnist of the Association of professional astrologers (APAI). Her many articles have been translated into German, Spanish, English, Italian, Romanian and Turkish and appeared on www.astro.com, or were published by the leading InternationalAstro magazines in the English Astrological Journal, the German Meridian Fachzeitschriftfür Astrologie and the Italian Linguaggio Astrale, the ISAR Magazine, the Spanish Stellium magazine, the AFAN magazine, in the publication The Ascendant and in the Infinity Astrological Magazine and in the APAI newsletter.

Tania is currently finishing her book on Latitude, declination, nodes and apogee: The lost secrets of our ancestors. She lives in Italy and offers horary and natal consultations in person and via zoom.

Contact Tania Daniels

Website: www.TaniaDaniels.com
Email: TaniaDanielsAstro@gmail.com
Substack: BeyondTheEcliptic
Twitter: TaniaDaniels.Astrologer
Facebook: Tania Daniels Traditional Horary Astrologer


Meeting Details

Date: Friday Feb 07 2025

Venue: In Person

Suite 1100 – 1200 West 73rd Avenue Vancouver, B.C V6P 6G5

Link: On-line

Emailed to Participants on Thursday Feb 06 2025

Time: 7:30 pm PST