Here, we explore all things related to astrology and its many branches. If you have gazed upon the stars, looking to find affinity, wanting to connect to the bigger picture, and gaining a deeper understanding of the whys of life, then you are in a community of peers.
Some find their interest peaked to see how it relates to them on a personal level these astrologers will explore natal astrology and Sun sign astrology by getting a personal reading or checking in with the local newspaper and seeing what this week’s trend will be. Then another star explorer may be intrigued enough to attend a local meeting and take class thereby becoming quite the pro on deciphering the language of the stars. They might even become the family astrologer where family and friends come to them for advice. Then we have the individuals who are so passionate about Astrology that they cannot get enough of all things astrological. These people become the researcher and professional astrologers. Who look into the past as well the future to become the backbone in this field as well as the steersperson to steer astrology into charted waters guided by the shimmering blanket of stars above.
All skill levels are welcomed into our community which facilitates an open environment of learning.